Leadership Development Software
Build stronger leadership
Improve collaboration, communication and trust within your leadership team by using people science to build self-awareness.

Use people science and personalized developmental reports to improve self-awareness amongst your leaders.
Our leadership assessments can build better teams from today

Develop your leaders with our assessment platform
By taking our Emotional Intelligence (TEIQue) assessment, leaders can clearly see their levels of well-being, self-control, emotionality, sociability, and independent facets in the workplace. By becoming aware of which areas you have high or low levels of, you gain an instant understanding of how you could improve your leadership.

Create a stronger leadership team
Share the Emotional Intelligence profiles with your leadership team to gain a greater understanding of the teams' strengths and weakness and use personalized developmental reports to grow. By sharing these science-backed insights, your team will be able to build trust, create clearer communication and manage conflict as a team, leaving your team stronger, more in-tuned to one another and in the best position to make decisions effectively.

Recruit to fill the gaps
Once you have the profiles of your leaders, you can easily see what traits are needed to create a balanced, thriving team. Use these insights to recruit your future leaders and ensure you’re building a team that is connected, whilst celebrating and harnessing their diversity as a team.

Find out how Arconic identified the best candidates to build strong leadership teams by using Thomas Assess.
How can leadership development software improve team performance?

Gain accurate insights using our assessments in behavior, aptitude, personality and emotional intelligence.

We're pioneers in the people science space, constantly developing our product using AI and industry experts.

Our industry-leading science is backed by the British Psychological Society (BPS).

Our insights have been trusted globally for over 40 years.
Don’t just take our word for it...