360 Degree Feedback Assessment
Identify performance gaps and develop self-awareness
- Explore the gap between identity and reputation
- Understand behavioural and technical competencies
- Uncover issues that may be affecting employee performance
- Open channels of communication for improvement amongst teams
- Increase self-awareness
- Managing your high achievers

What our happy customers say
How our 360 degree appraisal works
Gather feedback from your managers, colleagues, team members and customers, compare it with your competency framework and see where everyone can improve.

Get a 360 view of your people
Spot performance gaps, strengths and how self-aware your employees are and understand the impact this may have on your team.

Build competency frameworks with our experts
Create an objective framework to identify performance gaps, develop self-awareness and an environment ready for honest, constructive feedback.

Gather constructive feedback
Compare your feedback with your own perception of your performance and give everyone the insights to self-reflect and grow.

Assessment information
- Assessment type: 360 Degree Appraisal
- Format: A blend of rating scales and free-text options
- Time to complete: This depends on the number of competencies you’re measuring
- Training required: We can provide training

By undertaking the Behaviour assessment followed by 360, it notably helped to remove the anxiety around the newfound responsibilities for many of the managers and helped them to realise that we were all in it together.

The theory
The 360 Elite system was developed by Sarah Hamilton-Gill and was originally developed to manage complex projects and teams. In 2012, we worked with Sarah to develop our bespoke Thomas 360 system.
The 360 system centres around providing a ‘360 degree’ perspective on someone's competencies. All feedback is anonymous and encourages everyone to answer freely, constructively and honestly. This feedback gives a better understanding of performance at work, strengths and areas to grow.
Our 360 is bespoke, so you can make it work for what your business needs. Either pick from one of our questionnaire templates or choose the competencies you want to focus on from our selection.

Select a template or choose from the competencies to create your framework. Your respondents will use this to rate each other's performance on a scale of 1-7 and leave comments in a free text field. The report will provide a score and highlight any differences between the ratings from the participant, which is shown as an image in the report.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a 360 degree feedback assessment?
A 360 degree feedback assessment is a process that gathers feedback from an individual's managers, colleagues, team members, and customers to provide a comprehensive evaluation of their performance. It involves utilising a 360 feedback tool, which allows individuals to receive feedback from multiple perspectives. The 360 assessment provides a holistic view of an individual's competencies and helps identify performance gaps.
How do 360 degree feedback tools work?
360 degree feedback tools enable individuals to collect feedback from various stakeholders in their work environment. The 360 feedback platform utilizes rating scales and free-text response options to assess performance across different competencies. Respondents rate the individual's performance on each competency, and their responses remain confidential and anonymous. The feedback is then compiled into a report, generated by the 360 feedback system, that highlights areas of agreement and differences, providing a comprehensive view of the individual's performance.
Why use our 360 degree feedback tool in the workplace?
Our 360 degree feedback tool offers several benefits in the workplace. It helps identify performance gaps, develop self-awareness, and create a culture of constructive feedback. By utilizing our 360 feedback system, organisations can gain insights from multiple perspectives and make informed decisions. The 360 assessment fosters open communication, increases self-awareness, and promotes personal and professional growth.
How can 360 degree feedback help with staff retention and development?
360 degree feedback plays a crucial role in staff retention and development. By providing individuals with a comprehensive understanding of their strengths and areas for improvement, it helps in developing targeted development plans. The 360 assessment also fosters open communication and strengthens relationships within teams, leading to increased engagement and job satisfaction. The feedback received through the 360 feedback assessment helps individuals align their goals with organisational objectives, enhancing retention and career development opportunities.
How can Thomas help with 360 degree feedback?
Thomas offers a comprehensive 360 degree feedback solution that enables organizations to implement effective feedback processes. Our tailored 360 assessment allows businesses to choose from a range of competencies or templates that align with their specific needs. We provide training if required and support in administering the assessment through our 360 feedback tool. Our system generates detailed reports, highlighting areas of agreement and discrepancies, facilitating meaningful discussions and action planning for individual and organisational development. Thomas ensures a smooth and valuable 360 degree feedback experience.