Employee Success Platform | Thomas.co

Employee Success Platform

Thomas components

Unlock employee success

Unlock employee success, build company success

Identify your teams' natural strengths and use people science to build robust succession and development plans, based on their interests and talents

Thomas Assess

Use people science to get the best out of your team

How can an employee success platform drive workplace performance?

Spot your future leaders

Spot your future leaders 

Use people science to easily see who has the natural leadership traits needed for your business. Our assessments track competitiveness, conscientiousness, ambiguity acceptance, adjustment, curiosity and risk approach. These six traits have been proven to be key leadership qualities by psychologists.

Give employees the tools to thrive

Give employees the tools to thrive 

Thomas Assess identifies which soft skills come naturally, and which could benefit from further development. This is a clear, accurate way for someone to see how they can improve in the workplace. Allow employees to use this as their secret weapon by giving them the self-awareness and confidence to really understand themselves, what they need to grow within the company and how to get there with development plans backed by science.

Create a future proof succession plan

Create a future-proof succession plan

Use the insights of your employees to see who could add great value to the team in the future. By identifying what natural traits your employees possess and comparing these to your current leadership team, you’ll be able to produce a succession plan which is full proof. 

Find out how Thomas assessments helped create an environment at Tricon where their people thrived


Find out how Thomas assessments helped create an environment at Tricon where their people thrived.

Enhance workplace success with data-driven insights

Assessments at Thomas


Gain accurate insights using our assessments in behavior, aptitude, personality and emotional intelligence.

Innovation at Thomas


We're pioneers in the people science space, constantly developing our product using AI and industry experts.

People Science at Thomas


Our industry-leading science is backed by the British Psychological Society (BPS).

40 years of heritage at Thomas


Our insights have been trusted globally for over 40 years.

Don’t just take our word for it...
