In the recession, productivity is paramount. HR leaders must mobilise talent in record time to meet the market’s demand for elevated levels of agility, or face commercial catastrophe.
Some organisations are working smarter with their talent culture to tackle this challenge and get ahead, while others are falling behind the curve.
It’s time to review your talent culture. This content series will show you how, based on research insights collated from nearly a thousand HR leaders worldwide.

The Talent Time Bomb Research Report
We spoke to over 900 HR and talent leaders from organisations of different sizes, sectors and geographies to uncover the core challenges they’re currently facing. Our global research report reveals a battle for soft skills and an urgent need for businesses to adopt a progressive talent culture.

7 Steps to Evolve your Talent Culture
Three quarters (76%) of HR decision makers believe they have less than two years to evolve their Talent Culture before they start suffering competitive or financial consequences. This eGuide walks you through the 7 essential steps to talent culture transformation.

Are you facing up to the greatest crisis of your HR career?
With two in five workers considering leaving their jobs within 6-12 months, HR leaders must address underlying systemic problems to curb churn. This blog locates the origins of the crisis in poor employee engagement, a deficit we link with hybrid working in the cited video.

Productivity Pitfalls in an Economic Downturn
It’s easy to get lost in new tools and management approaches, but today’s profound productivity challenges can’t be solved by stopgap initiatives. It’s time to address the root causes of low productivity. Achieve peak productivity with this new eBook.

Infographic: Transform your talent culture
Company performance comes down to the performance of your people. We asked almost a thousand HR leaders worldwide for the blueprint for success. Download the infographic summary here.

Building progressive talent cultures
‘The Talent Time Bomb’ Research Report revealed that most businesses have under a year to make crucial changes before facing serious financial impacts. With insights from over 900 HR and Talent leaders, this eBook equips you to weather the impending economic storm.