Diversity & Inclusion | Thomas.co

Diversity & Inclusion

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Diversity & Inclusion

Difference makes the difference

Our commitment to diversity and inclusion permeates through everything we do, from our products to our people.

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Our commitment to diversity and inclusion

40 years ago, Thomas was founded with the sole aim of helping build a world of higher human achievement by giving people an easier way of gaining a greater understanding of themselves and each other. At the heart of this goal was the belief that “difference makes the difference” when helping our customers form, develop and nurture individuals into teams to achieve a common purpose.   

Within Thomas, we also celebrate that difference. By using our own solutions and insights, we aim to build a workforce that reflects all aspects of diversity to bring the widest range of perspectives, ideas and insights to everything we do.   

We strive to create an inclusive  workplace where our people are respected for their uniqueness, valued for their contribution, and empowered to reach their full potential. We want everyone in Team Thomas to feel they belong and feel psychologically safe to be their full, authentic self at work.   

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This vision is being realised using Thomas solutions coupled with the activities of our D&I working groups, made up of passionate volunteers, focused on driving positive change and working tirelessly to embed D&I into all our decision making.  

We recognize that advancing diversity, equality and inclusion is a constant process and we’re committed to building on our progress whilst continuously challenging ourselves to do better.   

We deliver tangible D&I change at Thomas through four employee led workstreams,
each with a specific area of focus

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It’s essential D&I runs throughout our internal recruitment process in order to facilitate increased diversity and ensure the process itself is as inclusive and welcoming as possible

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Building awareness of D&I matters across Team Thomas and we do that through practical interventions such as D&I related talks and partnerships with external organizations.

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Developing Capability

Upskilling our people and leaders to support Team Thomas but through a D&I lens. We shape this around the ‘moments that matter’ in an employee’s experience with us.

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We capture, analyze and track diversity representation and patterns of inclusion to identify areas of focus and intervention. 

Here's a snapshot of some of the amazing work that's live

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LGBTQ+ Networks

 Thomas’ Rainbow Alliance, provides a voice and support for the LGBTQ+ community and allies.

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Mental Health First Aiders

As part of our focus on employee wellbeing, Thomas has invested in training a Mental Health First Aider for every nine employees. These colleagues act as nonjudgmental points of contact signposting further help for any employee experiencing mental health issues or distress. 

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Nurturing networks with Coffee Pals

Team Thomas members are randomly matched for coffee catchups by the Team App Coffee Pals, helping us build deeper relationships, enhance engagement and foster inclusion.

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We all know that D&I is the right thing to do and what the smart businesses are focussed on, but knowing how and where to start can be overwhelming. But start we must, through conversations and you will find, as I have, many employees who want to influence and be part of delivering meaningful change so embrace that; it's the way to make it happen. I'm proud to be at Thomas and to see the changes we have made so far. There is lots more to do and I am excited to be part of a dynamic and evolving workplace.

- Gillian Ward, Chief People Officer, Chartered FCIPD