Using Thomas insights to build a personalized onboarding experience |

When you hire someone through Thomas Assess, you’ll be able to see their profile with all of the rich data on their behavior, personality and aptitude, which you can map against the job profile you’ve created. But once you’ve hired this brilliant person, there’s no reason why the use of these insights should stop there. They can be used to inform and benefit the entire employee journey – starting with their onboarding. 

At Thomas, we take the insights gathered from the behavior, personality and aptitude assessment and use this to provide a tailored onboarding guide detailing how to make each person feel confident in their new role. This saves the manager time, gives both a plan to follow and fits in with the existing company process for onboarding.

Along with this, you’ll have tailored advice on how your new hire likes to be managed, all based on their assessment results. This gives the manager robust insights on how they can build trust and respect from day one with their new hire, make them feel comfortable and empower them to succeed in their new role.  

Learn how Thomas Assess can help you recruit and develop the best talent for your business

All of the insights from your Thomas profile are private to you and are only available to your colleagues should you wish to share them. You won’t find anything negative in your profile, everything is written in easy-to-understand language, and you may find that reading your insights offers you a ‘lightbulb’ moment of understanding why you find some elements of work easier than others, and what you can do to help yourself. 

The real magic comes in when you share your profile with your colleagues. As a new hire, you can then use our Colleague Compare feature to see how you differ from your new team members, along with tips from our team of Psychologists on how you can both work to your strengths. This also takes away any potential anxiety of going into a new meeting ‘blind’, as you’ll know a bit about what to expect from the person you’re working with. Without our insights, this is the sort of knowledge that can take months to build. Does this person like small talk, or do they like to get to the point as quickly as possible? Will they appreciate an agenda before the call, or are they a spontaneous person who enjoys talking through their ideas? Insights like this will help any new hire feel better prepared when entering a new workforce, with a new team and brand-new set of colleagues.  

Having a Thomas profile at your fingertips is a like having a workplace coach always there, ready to help you. If there is specific information you need about how you like to work, or how to work with a colleague – you can ask Thom, our AI coach and it’ll scan yours and anybody else's profiles and give you an answer. All the advice you receive has been written and validated by our Psychology and Data Science team, so you know you can trust it. It’s all backed by our world-backed science.  

So really, a Thomas profile is there to support you throughout your entire employee journey, right from your first day. It will help you settle into your new team, help your manager support you in your new role and help your onboarding team ensure that you have everything you need to hit the ground running. As you look to further your career, it can help you see where you can develop to grow into new roles, how to work with new teams and how to get the best out of everyone around you.  

Onboarding goes so much further than making sure your new laptop works and you know the code to get into the building. It’s about settling into the culture and feeling part of the team and valued as soon as possible. Your Thomas profile is here to support you every step of the way.   

Learn how Thomas Assess can help you recruit and develop the best talent for your business