Introducing Role Profiling and Thom, our AI coach |

We’ve got a new look, and with that, some new features created by our team of Psychologists, Data Scientist and Product Experts, all based on end-user feedback and industry needs. Live in the platform, you’ll now find Role Profiling and Thom, our AI coach.  

Role Profiling 

Role Profiling gives hiring managers a new level of insights when looking into the profile of each candidate, by breaking down the insights gathered from our Behavior and Personality assessments into the characteristics that are underpinned by Schwartz’s theory of basic values. 

By using our Role Profiling feature, hiring managers can now see detailed insights into each candidates Personality and Behavior at work, focussing on nine key traits: collaborative, driven, emotionally resilient, analytical, communicative, decisive, independent, innovative and process oriented. 

When building a role profile for an open position, this feature allows the hiring team to select which characteristics are the most important for success in the role. This innovative feature will help customers create accurate job profiles and find the best candidate for the role based on industry-leading science. You can see each candidate’s results side-by-side and easily spot who is the closest match to the role based on the job profile you created. Use these insights to aid your decision-making throughout the recruitment process and know that you are making decisions based on robust, industry-leading science.  

Thom, our AI coach  

Our second new feature live in the platform is Thom, our AI coach. Built by our Data Scientists, Thom is ready to answer any question about you or your colleagues by scanning the Thomas profiles and delivering actionable, tailored advice taken from the original content written by our team of Psychologists. This innovative addition to Thomas Connect is able to help HR, managers and team members at any level, and all questions are your own, so you can be confident in asking whatever you need support with. Whether it’s how to best work with someone new, how to manage conflict with a colleague or whether someone has the natural traits to lead a team… ask Thom and it’ll tell you, instantly.  

Using our platform  

We’re really excited about these features. They answer the questions we hear from customers, and we know that they’ll make work a better place to be, with teams of people who are the best fit for the role and feel understood, respected and ready to collaborate. If you’re a customer, you’ll already see these changes live in the platform. If you’d like a demo on how to use them, reach out to your Customer Success Manager or read more about Thom or Role Profiling 

If you’re not already a customer and you’re wondering how these features could benefit your business, get in touch and we can show you how it all works.