Increasing Team Cohesion |

Cohesive teams play a significant part in the success of an organization. Success can be very difficult to come by without teams who function well and get the job done. It is therefore pivotal that we understand just how we can nurture cohesion within our teams to ensure we reach collective goals and enhance individual and group performance.

Let’s take a moment to consider the qualities of a cohesive team and how we can instill those same qualities in our teams.

Building the foundations of a cohesive team

We can lay the foundations of a cohesive team by implementing a few key behaviors and establishing some vital criteria in our working environment.

Fostering open communication

Cohesive teams communicate openly and honestly with each other, from the top down. This builds trust among team members as no one feels like anyone is hiding anything from them or being dishonest, which can lead to tension. The lack of trust that can stem from poor communication is one of Lencioni’s five dysfunctions of a team. Open communication also allows for the free exchange of ideas and feedback which is vital to the success of different projects and goals. Team leaders who lead by example and communicate transparently are on the right track toward encouraging their team to do the same.

Establishing shared goals and objectives

Team members must understand common goals and be aligned on how to meet them. Everyone needs to understand the part they’re playing in the bigger picture, and it’s also useful for them to know how their fellow team members are contributing. With this information, individuals are motivated and empowered to collaborate as they need to. Team leaders who establish shared goals and objectives ensure that everyone is working towards the same vision.

Cultivating mutual respect

Underpinning the above two points is respect. Communication and shared goals need mutual respect to shine, so mutual respect must prevail above all. To cultivate an atmosphere of mutual respect, all team members should feel valued and heard by each other, regardless of job title or pay grade. Mutual, after all, means that the feeling of respect goes both ways.  A cohesive team understands this and actions it every day. 

Enhancing team cohesion through trust and collaboration 

It takes time and effort to build a cohesive team. Although many people will innately trust and respect each other in the working environment, it may just be surface level. There are actions we can take to further enhance team cohesion beyond this.

To improve team cohesion, we can make use of a few different strategies:

Developing trust among team members

Trust is earned. We best learn to trust others when we have to put our faith in them. Team-building exercises, whether it’s something outdoorsy like raft building or more sedate like quizzing, allow team members to show each other that they can trust and be trusted. Team leaders who throw themselves into these activities and encourage everyone to work together gain the most from team-building, as they can not only have fun completing a task but can benefit from the creation of a stronger team.

Another way team leaders can develop trust with their team is to be transparent in their decision-making processes. Even if team members aren’t in a position to contribute to a decision, they will feel valued if time is taken to explain the thinking behind a decision.

Encouraging collaborative problem-solving

Problems, if it can be avoided, shouldn’t be solved by one person in a silo. Teams shouldn’t feel left out of problem-solving - if they never get to contribute towards solutions, they may feel infantilized or experience a lack of control over their working life. Team leaders who advocate for a collaborative approach to problem-solving recognize and welcome the diverse perspectives their team has to share, which leads to more innovative solutions and teams who feel their ideas are valued.

Implementing effective conflict resolution techniques

Dysfunctional teams suffer from a fear of conflict. The potential for conflict can be intimidating, but cohesive teams face this fear head-on and acknowledge that there are constructive ways to handle differences of opinion. When individuals have trust in each other and know they work in an organization that prizes open and honest communication, it is possible to resolve conflicts with minimal impact. Working through difficult situations can strengthen team bonds and contribute towards a positive work environment - nothing is left to simmer beneath the surface.

Leveraging Thomas’ tools to support cohesion

Thomas’ Team Interaction Optimisation (TIO) platform was created to support the development of cohesive teams. With our range of personality and behavior assessments, team leaders and Hiring Managers can better understand the diverse personalities within their teams, leading to more effective communication and collaboration.

The results of these assessments can also be used to create bespoke development plans that focus on enhancing team cohesion, from leadership training to team-building workshops.

The support from Thomas doesn’t stop once these things have been delivered. We know that the working world is fast-paced and ever-shifting, so our platform offers continued support and a wealth of resources to ensure teams remain cohesive and aligned in their goals.

Sustaining team cohesion for long-term success 

Team cohesion can’t be solved in a day. It takes time to build trust and respect, and show that the working environment allows for open communication and safe resolution of conflict. Cohesive teams keep working on these things as part of an ongoing effort, ensuring they can adapt to new challenges and changes. Leadership is pivotal in all of this, as leaders need to nurture the environment in which all of the elements required for team cohesion can exist. They must recognize achievements and promote a culture of continuous improvement.

For team leaders and Hiring Managers who want to be proactive and improve their team cohesion, Thomas is here. Take a look at our tools and services and start to contribute towards your team’s long-term success today.