Training & Accreditation |

Training & Accreditation

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Training & Accreditation

Bespoke courses powered by people science

Looking for more opportunities to use people science? We offer bespoke training to fit your needs, upskill your team and empower your people.


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Perform accreditation_icon

Perform accreditation

Learn about the science the assessments are built on and what different results mean with our expert trainers. 

Personal development_icon

Personal development

Use your results to your advantage with bespoke courses on building resilience, emotional intelligence and managing difficult conversations. 

Leadership development_icon

Management development

Empower your managers and inspire leaders of the future by spending a day with our trainers.

Become accredited

Become accredited with our platform

Spend a day with one of our expert trainers learning about the science the assessments are built on, what different results mean and how to answer questions on them. You’ll become a certified practitioner, which you can pop on your CV and brag about at dinner parties. Think of it like becoming a super-user.

Also, you’ll be able to help others really understand their results and empower them to embrace their strengths, which is nice.

Upskill yourself

Upskill yourself

You’ll learn a lot about yourself from our assessments, and there may be some areas where you see room for improvement. Our experts can help build your resilience, emotional intelligence and other useful skills like how to manage difficult conversations and assert yourself in the right way.

All of this is backed by science you can trust. Clever science.

Workshops for management and leadership

Workshops for managership and leadership

Empower your managers and inspire leaders of the future by spending a day with our trainers.

Using people science, you’ll learn all about management skills, how to develop leadership potential and how to unlock your inner leader.


"The training was excellent. What could have felt like a very long day flew by, and was extremely informative."

Stuart Colligon, Managing Director

Upcoming training dates

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15 Oct, 2024
16 Oct, 2024
09:00 - 13:00
09:00 - 16:00

Certificazione Thomas International per la somministrazione del Personal Profile Analysis (PPA)

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15 Oct, 2024
09:30 - 12:30
Hong Kong SAR China

Hosted by one of our expert trainers, this accreditation course will teach you everything you need to know to enable you to fully understand the Thomas Personality Assessment (HPTI), what it measures and how it can predict leadership potential. You will develop the competence to administer, interpret and feedback the reports generated by the assessment, as well as learning how best to appropriately and responsibly use the tool.

Our experienced Trainers will inform you how to practically apply these assessment results in different commercial scenarios, helping practitioners to make better informed people decisions and consider the development opportunities available.

In preparation for the course you will receive an assessment link and your completed report prior to attending this course.

Following completion of the Knowledge Assessment, each delegate will also receive a certificate of accreditation as an HPTI Practitioner.

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15 Oct, 2024
09:30 - 12:30
United Kingdom

Hosted by one of our expert trainers, this foundation course will teach you the basics of understating personality and potential in the workplace.

Our experienced trainers will inform you how to understand the wealth of information that can be gained from understanding the connection between personality, potential and how that can predict workplace performance. They will also guide you to higher levels of self-awareness with your own results.

In preparation for the course you will receive an assessment link and your completed report prior to attending this course.

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15 Oct, 2024
09:30 - 12:30

Hosted by one of our expert trainers, this accreditation course will teach you everything you need to know to enable you to fully understand the Thomas Personality Assessment (HPTI), what it measures and how it can predict leadership potential. You will develop the competence to administer, interpret and feedback the reports generated by the assessment, as well as learning how best to appropriately and responsibly use the tool.

Our experienced Trainers will inform you how to practically apply these assessment results in different commercial scenarios, helping practitioners to make better informed people decisions and consider the development opportunities available.

In preparation for the course you will receive an assessment link and your completed report prior to attending this course.

Following completion of the Knowledge Assessment, each delegate will also receive a certificate of accreditation as an HPTI Practitioner.

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15 Oct, 2024
12:30 - 15:30

Hosted by one of our expert trainers, this accreditation course will teach you everything you need to know to enable you to fully understand the Thomas Personality Assessment (HPTI), what it measures and how it can predict leadership potential. You will develop the competence to administer, interpret and feedback the reports generated by the assessment, as well as learning how best to appropriately and responsibly use the tool.

Our experienced Trainers will inform you how to practically apply these assessment results in different commercial scenarios, helping practitioners to make better informed people decisions and consider the development opportunities available.

In preparation for the course you will receive an assessment link and your completed report prior to attending this course.

Following completion of the Knowledge Assessment, each delegate will also receive a certificate of accreditation as an HPTI Practitioner.

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15 Oct, 2024
13:30 - 16:30
United Kingdom

Hosted by one of our expert trainers, this accreditation course will teach you everything you need to know to enable you to fully understand the Thomas Personality Assessment (HPTI), what it measures and how it can predict leadership potential. You will develop the competence to administer, interpret and feedback the reports generated by the assessment, as well as learning how best to appropriately and responsibly use the tool.

Our experienced Trainers will inform you how to practically apply these assessment results in different commercial scenarios, helping practitioners to make better informed people decisions and consider the development opportunities available.

In preparation for the course you will receive an assessment link and your completed report prior to attending this course.

Following completion of the Knowledge Assessment, each delegate will also receive a certificate of accreditation as an HPTI Practitioner.

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16 Oct, 2024
09:30 - 12:30
United Kingdom

Hosted by one of our expert trainers, this foundation course will teach you the basics of Behaviour with the Thomas Behaviour Assessment (PPA), a psychometric assessment used to understand how people behave in the workplace.

During the course, you will:

  • Learn about the DISC-based theory that underpins the Thomas Behaviour Assessment (PPA)
  • Understand what the Thomas Behaviour Assessment (PPA) measures and the multitude of ways it can be used in recruitment and development
  • Learn how best to appropriately and responsibly use the Thomas Behaviour Assessment (PPA)
  • Be taught how to assess the behavioural demands of a job

In preparation for the course, you will receive an assessment link and receive a copy of your report prior to attending this course.

After attending this course, you will be able to understand not only your own behavioural profile but also how behaviour relates to your team, your organisation and jobs you may recruiting for. 

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16 Oct, 2024
10:00 - 13:30

Găzduit de unul dintre trainerii noștri specializați, acest curs de bază te va învăța tot ce trebuie să știi pentru a înțelege Chestionarul de Evaluare a Inteligenței Emoționale ca Trăsătură (TEIQue), o evaluare psihometrică folosită pentru a înțelege funcționarea emoțională a unei persoane, capacitatea de a gestiona relațiile, controlul emoțional și răspunsul la presiune.

În cadrul cursului, vei:

  • Învăța despre modelul bazat pe trăsături din spatele personalității și a Inteligenței Emoționale.
  • Înțelege ce măsoară TEIQue și impactul pe care îl poate avea asupra proceselor tale de recrutare și dezvoltare.
  • Învața cum să folosești în mod adecvat și responsabil TEIQue.

Înțelegerea faptului că TEIQue poate încuraja modificarea comportamentului și conștientizarea de sine în organizația ta îți va oferi un instrument puternic pentru facilitarea schimbărilor pozitive.

După înscriere, vei primi un link către evaluare și vei primi o copie a raportului tău înainte de a participa la acest curs.

Enquire now
16 Oct, 2024
13:30 - 16:30
United Kingdom

Hosted by one of our expert trainers, this accreditation course will teach you how to confidently develop your expertise in using the Thomas Behaviour Assessment (PPA), a psychometric assessment used to understand how people behave in the workplace.

During the course, you will:

  • Develop the competence to administer, interpret and feedback the wealth of reports generated by the assessment
  • Learn how best to appropriately and responsibly use the Thomas Behaviour Assessment (PPA)
  • Understand how to apply the assessment results in different commercial scenarios to make more confident and objective people decisions
  • Understand how best to structure your recruitment journey with the Thomas Behaviour Assessment (PPA)
  • Be taught how to assess the behavioural demands of a job, as well as how to use the results of an assessment to highlight areas of both strength and likely development

In preparation for the course, you will receive an assessment link and receive a copy of your report prior to attending this course.

With your accreditation, you will be able to recruit candidates who match the behavioural requirements of the job, understand what drives and engages people, support personal development and improve communication and teamwork.

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17 Oct, 2024
09:00 - 12:00

Het Thomas gedragsassessment Persoonlijke Profiel Analyse (PPA) is een psychometrisch assessment dat wordt gebruikt om inzicht te verkrijgen in het werkgedrag van mensen. Tijdens de PPA-introductietraining leer je het volgende:

  • Achtergrondinformatie over de DISC-theorie die de basis vormt van de PPA.
  • Hoe de PPA-grafieken zijn opgebouwd.
  • Hoe je de PPA kunt gebruiken als ondersteuning bij begeleiding en coaching.
  • PPA als hulpmiddel voor het opstellen van een functieprofiel en bij werving en selectie.
  • Feedback geven met PPA als onderbouwing.
  • Welke rapportopties er zijn.

Na het volgen van de training begrijp je niet alleen je eigen gedragsprofiel, maar ook hoe je gedrag invloed heeft op anderen met wie je samenwerkt.

Voorafgaand aan de training ontvang je een uitnodiging om zelf een PPA-assessment in te vullen en ontvang je een kopie van je PPA-rapport. 

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17 Oct, 2024
09:00 - 12:00

Le feedback Thomas 360° fournit un cadre objectif permettant d'identifier les domaines de développement, d'améliorer la connaissance de soi et de créer des plans de développement et de formation ciblés adaptés aux besoins de votre organisation. Il crée un environnement propice à un retour d'information constructif, aidant vos employés à comprendre leur impact personnel et à améliorer leur efficacité. Le feedback 360 soutient la création de plans de développement personnel et la motivation nécessaire pour changer les comportements.

L’inscription à cette session doit être effectuée 48 heures minimum avant le début de la formation

Enquire now
17 Oct, 2024
09:00 - 12:00

Het Thomas gedragsassessment Persoonlijke Profiel Analyse (PPA) is een psychometrisch assessment dat wordt gebruikt om inzicht te verkrijgen in het werkgedrag van mensen. Tijdens de PPA-introductietraining leer je het volgende:

  • Achtergrondinformatie over de DISC-theorie die de basis vormt van de PPA.
  • Hoe de PPA-grafieken zijn opgebouwd.
  • Hoe je de PPA kunt gebruiken als ondersteuning bij begeleiding en coaching.
  • PPA als hulpmiddel voor het opstellen van een functieprofiel en bij werving en selectie.
  • Feedback geven met PPA als onderbouwing.
  • Welke rapportopties er zijn.

Na het volgen van de training begrijp je niet alleen je eigen gedragsprofiel, maar ook hoe je gedrag invloed heeft op anderen met wie je samenwerkt.

Voorafgaand aan de training ontvang je een uitnodiging om zelf een PPA-assessment in te vullen en ontvang je een kopie van je PPA-rapport. 

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