A report by Eagle Hill Consulting found that connected employees see a 60% improvement in their ability to perform effectively and are 55% more likely to go above and beyond their responsibilities. This study follows those we’ve seen throughout the past few years which show how connected employees are more productive, happier and have higher levels of retention. How can we make sure our employees feel connected? It all starts with the team.
A quick search for examples of a great team popped up Leicester City F.C for their against-the-odds Premier League title, the Apollo 11 moon landing and The Beatles’ sky-high success as musicians. These three teams of people saw enormous success in their field because they trusted each other, they played to each other's strengths and collaborated to reach their end goal, together.
But this can be hard to achieve. After all, The Beatles were together for seven years – and with the average person staying in a job for approximately four years (according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics), in order to see your team create the best possible outcome using their combined strengths, you need to find a way to build that team connection fast.

This is why we built the world’s first connection platform: Thomas Connect. When speaking to customers, colleagues and doing market research, similar themes kept appearing. When you look at this alongside the growing research into how connection between teams improves performance and well-being – we knew it was something that we could help with. So, we did what we do best. We delved into our 40 years of people science and harnessed it into a place where people can use our insights to build genuine connections, all backed by science.
When you take our behavior assessment, you’re getting rich insights into how you like to behave at work, your strengths, and where you can develop. Perhaps you’re a methodical worker with a keen eye for detail, and through looking at your team’s profiles in Thomas Connect you see that a colleague is confident public speaking and thinking on their feet. Well, it would make sense you take on any proof reading and organizing, and your team member runs the pitch, right? You’ll both feel happy and confident in doing work that you enjoy, and you’ll get to your end goal quicker as you’ll be playing to your strengths.
Having these insights at your fingertips about you and your team will allow you to collaborate quicker and develop a new level of trust, as each person is given a deeper level of self-awareness through people science. Instead of waiting to see if someone might be more suited than you to a certain skill - and potentially slowing down the project by misassigning tasks – use the Teams option in Thomas Connect and immediately see who is best suited where. It’s completely transparent, easy-to-understand and safe, and it’s your shortcut to creating a team that feels confident and trusting to collaborate successfully.