Key Characteristics of Team Players in the Workplace |

Successful workplaces rely on strong teamwork. Individuals coming together and combining their unique skill sets and experiences harmoniously is pivotal to the kind of team performances that deliver results. The efficacy of a team comes down to each person contributing and finding their place within the team’s dynamic, and team leaders cultivating an environment in which they can do this. 

So, how can we build strong units of team players and create the optimum conditions for them to shine?

Essential traits of exceptional team performance 

Let’s start by looking at the traits we want to encourage within our team members.

  • Reliability and dependability

Team members need to be able to rely upon each other. If someone is assigned a task as part of a project, each team member needs to feel confident in that person completing their assignment correctly and on time. This trust is essential for team performance.

  • Effective communication skills

Clear and constructive communication keeps a team moving forward. Not only do teams that communicate well cooperate and collaborate on their work more effectively, but they also understand each other better as people. This can help prevent misunderstandings and conflict.

  • Flexibility and adaptability

Teams and team members who are too rigid struggle to take on unexpected challenges. When individuals are confident in their ability to adapt and know they will be supported by their team should flexibility be needed in the face of a changing situation, the entire team can transition smoothly and continue to progress.

  • Positive attitude and motivation

High-performing teams maintain a positive outlook even when problems arise. This positivity should come from the team leader, inspiring the team to view things with positivity themselves. When negativity creeps in, motivation can be lost so this trait is key to team performance, especially in tricky moments.

  • Commitment to team goals

Teams without clear objectives can pull in all the wrong directions. For effective team performance, every team member should have a clear idea of the overall team goal. Knowing this, individuals can align their objectives and tasks to ensure their continued development whilst working to push the team forward.

  • Collaborative problem-solving ability

It shouldn’t come down to one person within a team to come up with a solution should a problem arise. Problems are best solved through collaboration. With the right people pitching in with their own valuable, diverse perspectives, problems can be solved more quickly with better outcomes. Sharing problem-solving also reduces the stress that could otherwise fall on one person’s shoulders.

  • Willingness to share knowledge and skills

The best team players share their knowledge and skills.  This enhances the overall capabilities of the team. It also prevents barriers from being thrown up unnecessarily - if more than one person knows how to use a particular software or how to contact a client, then nothing has to be put on hold just because someone is on holiday!

Fostering a culture of exceptional team players 

The above traits all sound wonderful when listed out, I‘m sure you’ll agree. It’s easy to see how a team made up of individuals who exhibit these characteristics could excel even when faced with tough situations, but we can’t rely on these traits alone. We also need to put some work into fostering a culture that creates exceptional team players.

One way we can do this is through creating an environment of mutual respect. No one should feel that their opinion or contribution is being judged by anyone else. Team managers can lead by example here by showing that they listen to contributions from everyone and consider their input with due diligence. Team cohesion improves when everyone is respectful.

For great team performance, we can also encourage continuous learning and development. This ensures no one stagnates and that everyone can continue to bring new ideas and skills to the table. Individuals feel valued when their professional development is understood and encouraged, motivating them to keep contributing towards team goals.

In a similar vein, it’s vital to recognize and reward team contributions. We all feel pleased when something we’ve worked hard on is noticed by others. Acknowledging individual achievements and collective successes reinforces the positive behaviors we want to see in our teams. Rewards can also be used as incentives to encourage employees toward team goals.

Leveraging Thomas’ insights for team building 

Team leaders can utilize the insights gained from Thomas's personality assessment to take purposeful steps toward fostering an environment in which their team can excel. The results of these assessments provide insight into individuals and can assist in building a balanced team that is optimized for a mix of essential characteristics. The development programs offered by Thomas, tailored to organizations and individuals, can help strengthen these core characteristics and improve any weaknesses.

Combining these services offered by Thomas equips team leaders and team members with all the tools they need to be resilient and adaptive. Teams who have benefited from the insights gained through personality assessments and development programs are prepared for the challenges of an ever-changing business landscape because they understand themselves and each other better. For more information on just how Thomas can improve your team's performance, take a look at our platform.

The continuous journey of a team player 

Individuals who showcase great communication, ability to collaborate, adaptability, and positive attitude can truly distinguish themselves as exceptional team players. With these crucial traits in play, the foundations are in place for strong team performance and workplace harmony.

That doesn’t mean, however, that there isn’t still work that can be done. The best team players recognise that there’s always more to learn; and that they can refine their skills further and help others do the same. They are committed to collaborative success and are recognized for their efforts.

We can all take proactive steps towards being a better team player, one who contributes towards cohesion and a motivated team environment. Thomas’ range of services can make a real impact on this ongoing journey towards improved team performance, so be sure to check out our science-backed people platform today