Case studies
Accelerating the selection process in a competitive market for logistics firm CEVA Logistics
CEVA Logistics (formerly Ingram Micro Commerce and Lifecycle Services)

The Challenge
More and more e-commerce parties are finding their way to CEVA Logistics. The company has grown rapidly in the Netherlands in recent years. This put a lot of pressure on the firm’s talent acquisition team. “Not only are we permanently looking for logistics employees who can work in our warehouses, but we also need team leads, operations managers and staff members. We use various (online) communication tools to reach our desired target group” says Riny Groeneveld, Talent Acquisition Manager.
Through the use of, among other things, online targeting and an active approach by recruiters, candidates are introduced to CEVA Logistics, after which the selection procedure starts. “We think it is important that the procedure for finding the right candidate runs as quickly and smoothly as possible. We prefer to give a candidate a definitive answer in the application procedure as soon as possible, so that there is clarity for both parties.” CEVA Logistics was therefore looking for a solution that can be deployed quickly and provides the organization with reliable data about a candidate.

The Solution
“A job interview or a resume gives a certain image of a candidate. However, we were looking for an instrument with which we can understand the candidate and with which we can test whether the person we see in front of us is indeed the candidate we are looking for. That is why we use Thomas International’s Personal Profile Analysis (PPA). This assessment measures candidates’ behavioral style. Based on this, we can determine whether the position suits the person and their communication preferences” says Riny. CEVA Logistics not only uses the PPA as a selection tool upon arrival, but extends this to the continuous development of the employee. Every member of the HR team Is trained in Thomas’ PPA.
For higher management positions, CEVA Logistics also uses the GIA assessment to gain insight into a candidate’s learning ability. Riny comments, “The market is constantly changing and our customers are asking for innovation and improvements. For certain positions, it is therefore important for us to know how quickly someone absorbs and masters new information.” The assessment takes approximately 35 minutes and provides insight into candidates’ learning capacity. It also helps to identify leadership potential, a purpose for which Ingram is beginning to implement the solution.

The Results
In the current labor market, CEVA Logistics needs to be able to act quickly during the selection procedure. Riny says, “Many of the candidates we speak have several applications running at the same time. It is therefore very important to us to keep the selection procedure as short as possible. Filling out a PPA takes little time for the candidate and gives us a wealth of interesting data.” The assessments also support the company in making quality hires. Riny comments, “The scientific underpinnings are very valuable to us and go beyond the importance we attach to gut feeling.”
Another important advantage of working with Thomas International’s assessment platform is that CEVA Logistics has a clear picture of the costs involved in recruiting. CEVA Logistics recently switched from a model based on the purchase of individual unit bundles to a subscription model, where the agreed volume is matched to the expected consumption. “Every year we make a forecast of the number of new employees that we will hire. We use this forecast to estimate the number of assessments we need. The fixed amount per month gives us the freedom to use the number of assessments we need at that moment.”