Training & Accreditation |

Training & Accreditation

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Training & Accreditation

Bespoke courses powered by people science

Looking for more opportunities to use people science? We offer bespoke training to fit your needs, upskill your team and empower your people.


Get more from Thomas tools

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Perform accreditation

Learn about the science the assessments are built on and what different results mean with our expert trainers. 

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Personal development

Use your results to your advantage with bespoke courses on building resilience, emotional intelligence and managing difficult conversations. 

Leadership development_icon

Management development

Empower your managers and inspire leaders of the future by spending a day with our trainers.

Become accredited

Become accredited with our platform

Spend a day with one of our expert trainers learning about the science the assessments are built on, what different results mean and how to answer questions on them. You’ll become a certified practitioner, which you can pop on your CV and brag about at dinner parties. Think of it like becoming a super-user.

Also, you’ll be able to help others really understand their results and empower them to embrace their strengths, which is nice.

Upskill yourself

Upskill yourself

You’ll learn a lot about yourself from our assessments, and there may be some areas where you see room for improvement. Our experts can help build your resilience, emotional intelligence and other useful skills like how to manage difficult conversations and assert yourself in the right way.

All of this is backed by science you can trust. Clever science.

Workshops for management and leadership

Workshops for managership and leadership

Empower your managers and inspire leaders of the future by spending a day with our trainers.

Using people science, you’ll learn all about management skills, how to develop leadership potential and how to unlock your inner leader.


"The training was excellent. What could have felt like a very long day flew by, and was extremely informative."

Stuart Colligon, Managing Director

Upcoming training dates

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15 Aug, 2024
09:00 - 17:00

Hosted by one of our expert trainers, this accreditation course will enable you to fully understand the science behind the Thomas Aptitude Assessment (GIA). You will also develop the competence to administer, interpret and feedback on the reports generated by the assessment, as well learning how best to appropriately and fairly use the tool.

With the guidance of our experienced trainers, you will become aware of the added value of the GIA as well as its limitations and the role it can play in an occupational assessment. Case studies will help you explore how to use the assessment to benchmark people in your organisation.

Following completion of the Knowledge Assessment, each delegate will also receive a certificate of accreditation as a GIA Practitioner.

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19 Aug - 20 Aug, 2024
11:30 - 15:30

Hosted by one of our expert trainers, this two-day accreditation course will teach you everything you need to know to confidently use the High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI), a psychometric assessment used to identify high potential leadership traits and identify self-motivated, highly driven individuals.

During the course, you will:

  • Bring an evidence-based approach and add certainty to your talent acquisition and management initiatives
  • Gain understanding of how the six HPTI personality traits contribute to leadership behaviors and business outcomes
  • Build the ability to feed back HPTI results to individuals in your organizations
  • Add value to employees through sharing strategies for developing leadership impact and competence
  • Understand how to apply the assessment results in different talent scenarios to make more confident and objective people decisions.
  • Interact with other business and human resource professionals during the course, and continue the dialogue with ongoing networking opportunities with Thomas clients

In preparation for the course, a Thomas consultant will provide you with feedback on your own HPTI assessment and explain what you can expect from the training. Upon completion of the online public course, you will complete a one-on-one session with your Thomas consultant, where you will:

  • Get to practice giving report feedback
  • Review your knowledge assessment
  • Cover any further questions you have
  • Receive guidance as it relates to leveraging the HPTI with your next talent project 

With your accreditation, you will be able to recruit candidates who match the behaviors for effective leadership, develop existing talent to realize their leadership potential and develop a leadership team who embody and drive company vision and culture.

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19 Aug - 20 Aug, 2024
11:30 - 15:30
United States

Hosted by one of our expert trainers, this two-day accreditation course will teach you everything you need to know to confidently use the High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI), a psychometric assessment used to identify high potential leadership traits and identify self-motivated, highly driven individuals.

During the course, you will:

  • Bring an evidence-based approach and add certainty to your talent acquisition and management initiatives
  • Gain understanding of how the six HPTI personality traits contribute to leadership behaviors and business outcomes
  • Build the ability to feed back HPTI results to individuals in your organizations
  • Add value to employees through sharing strategies for developing leadership impact and competence
  • Understand how to apply the assessment results in different talent scenarios to make more confident and objective people decisions.
  • Interact with other business and human resource professionals during the course, and continue the dialogue with ongoing networking opportunities with Thomas clients

In preparation for the course, a Thomas consultant will provide you with feedback on your own HPTI assessment and explain what you can expect from the training. Upon completion of the online public course, you will complete a one-on-one session with your Thomas consultant, where you will:

  • Get to practice giving report feedback
  • Review your knowledge assessment
  • Cover any further questions you have
  • Receive guidance as it relates to leveraging the HPTI with your next talent project 

With your accreditation, you will be able to recruit candidates who match the behaviors for effective leadership, develop existing talent to realize their leadership potential and develop a leadership team who embody and drive company vision and culture.

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20 Aug, 2024
09:00 - 12:00
South Africa

Hosted by one of our expert trainers, this foundation course will teach the basics of the Thomas Aptitude Assessment (GIA) and will enable you to fully understand what the assessment measures and how this fits in to the workplace

With the guidance of our experienced trainers, you will become aware of the added value of the Thomas Aptitude Assessment (GIA) as well as its limitations and the role it can play in an occupational assessment. You will also gain knowledge as to the responsible use of the assessment.

Enquire now
20 Aug, 2024
13:00 - 16:00
South Africa

Hosted by one of our expert trainers, this accreditation course will enable you to fully understand the science behind the Thomas Aptitude Assessment (GIA). You will also develop the competence to administer, interpret and feedback on the reports generated by the assessment, as well learning how best to appropriately and fairly use the tool.

With the guidance of our experienced trainers, you will become aware of the added value of the GIA as well as its limitations and the role it can play in an occupational assessment. Case studies will help you explore how to use the assessment to benchmark people in your organisation.

Following completion of the Knowledge Assessment, each delegate will also receive a certificate of accreditation as a GIA Practitioner.

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22 Aug, 2024
09:30 - 12:30
United Kingdom

Hosted by one of our expert trainers, this foundation course will teach you the basics of Behaviour with the Thomas Behaviour Assessment (PPA), a psychometric assessment used to understand how people behave in the workplace.

During the course, you will:

  • Learn about the DISC-based theory that underpins the Thomas Behaviour Assessment (PPA)
  • Understand what the Thomas Behaviour Assessment (PPA) measures and the multitude of ways it can be used in recruitment and development
  • Learn how best to appropriately and responsibly use the Thomas Behaviour Assessment (PPA)
  • Be taught how to assess the behavioural demands of a job

In preparation for the course, you will receive an assessment link and receive a copy of your report prior to attending this course.

After attending this course, you will be able to understand not only your own behavioural profile but also how behaviour relates to your team, your organisation and jobs you may recruiting for. 

Enquire now
22 Aug, 2024
13:30 - 16:30
United Kingdom

Hosted by one of our expert trainers, this accreditation course will teach you how to confidently develop your expertise in using the Thomas Behaviour Assessment (PPA), a psychometric assessment used to understand how people behave in the workplace.

During the course, you will:

  • Develop the competence to administer, interpret and feedback the wealth of reports generated by the assessment
  • Learn how best to appropriately and responsibly use the Thomas Behaviour Assessment (PPA)
  • Understand how to apply the assessment results in different commercial scenarios to make more confident and objective people decisions
  • Understand how best to structure your recruitment journey with the Thomas Behaviour Assessment (PPA)
  • Be taught how to assess the behavioural demands of a job, as well as how to use the results of an assessment to highlight areas of both strength and likely development

In preparation for the course, you will receive an assessment link and receive a copy of your report prior to attending this course.

With your accreditation, you will be able to recruit candidates who match the behavioural requirements of the job, understand what drives and engages people, support personal development and improve communication and teamwork.

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27 Aug - 28 Aug, 2024
11:30 - 15:30

Part 1: Understanding the Science behind Perform 

Part 2: Giving Great Feedback 

Hosted by one of our expert trainers, this certification course will teach you everything you need to know to fully utilize the expert capabilities of the Thomas Perform platform. You will develop the competence to understand the science behind our assessments, interpret advanced visualizations and feedback the outcomes generated by the Behavior, Aptitude and Personality assessments. 
Our experienced Trainers will inform you how to practically apply these assessment results in different commercial scenarios, helping practitioners to make better informed people decisions and consider the development opportunities available. 

In preparation for the course, if you have not already completed your Thomas Perform assessments, you will receive an assessment link to complete your Behavior, Aptitude and Personality assessments and will instantly gain access to your Thomas Profile prior to training. 

Following completion of the Knowledge Assessment, each delegate will also receive a Thomas Perform Practitioner certification. 

Enquire now
27 Aug - 28 Aug, 2024
11:30 - 15:30
United States

Part 1: Understanding the Science behind Perform 

Part 2: Giving Great Feedback 

Hosted by one of our expert trainers, this certification course will teach you everything you need to know to fully utilize the expert capabilities of the Thomas Perform platform. You will develop the competence to understand the science behind our assessments, interpret advanced visualizations and feedback the outcomes generated by the Behavior, Aptitude and Personality assessments. 
Our experienced Trainers will inform you how to practically apply these assessment results in different commercial scenarios, helping practitioners to make better informed people decisions and consider the development opportunities available. 

In preparation for the course, if you have not already completed your Thomas Perform assessments, you will receive an assessment link to complete your Behavior, Aptitude and Personality assessments and will instantly gain access to your Thomas Profile prior to training. 

Following completion of the Knowledge Assessment, each delegate will also receive a Thomas Perform Practitioner certification. 

Enquire now
29 Aug, 2024
09:00 - 12:00
South Africa

Hosted by one of our expert trainers, this foundation course will teach you the basics of Behaviour with the Thomas Behaviour Assessment (PPA), a psychometric assessment used to understand how people behave in the workplace.

During the course, you will:

  • Learn about the DISC-based theory that underpins the Thomas Behaviour Assessment (PPA)
  • Understand what the Thomas Behaviour Assessment (PPA) measures and the multitude of ways it can be used in recruitment and development
  • Learn how best to appropriately and responsibly use the Thomas Behaviour Assessment (PPA)
  • Be taught how to assess the behavioural demands of a job

In preparation for the course, you will receive an assessment link and receive a copy of your report prior to attending this course.

After attending this course, you will be able to understand not only your own behavioural profile but also how behaviour relates to your team, your organisation and jobs you may recruiting for. 

Enquire now
29 Aug, 2024
30 Aug, 2024
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 14:00


DISC作为个性特征理论,最早产生于20世纪20年代。是美国哈佛大学心理学家William M. Marston博士在其《正常人的情绪》一书中提出的。在1950年代末和1960年代初,Thomas Hendrickson 博士发展了William M. Marston的DISC理论,为其在工作场景下的应用创造了Thomas个性特征分析量表(PPA)。

William M. Marston的原始理论指出,基于情感的行为是个体对支持性或敌对性社会环境的生物社会反应。这些反应决定了个人如何与环境互动。





  • 掌握PPA的内在原理及DISC理论
  • 了解PPA在招聘和发展人才过程中的用途与方法
  • 学会PPA的报告解读,以应用于人才的招聘与发展培养
  • 了解如何将评估结果应用于不同的职业场景,以做出更加科学、客观的人事决策
  • 学会如何评估工作岗位的行为要求,以及如何利用评估结果识别高潜人员


  • 慧眼识人:为合适的岗位发现合适的人才,并提供最可靠的人才信息
  • 提高管理有效性:明确管理方向,了解个体内、外部的激励因素
  • 改善培训:发现个体培训需求,有针对性地规划个人发展方向
  • 提升沟通质量:知己知彼,快速建立信任和共识,减少误会冲突
  • 改善团队协作:了解个体优势和局限性,优化团队人员结构和分工
  • 提升组织效率:满足动态变化的人才需求,为企业组织培养和储备未来人才


  • 评估内容:行为特征
  • 题目及测试时间:24道题,8分钟即可完成
  • 所需培训:托马斯国际PPA认证课
  • 信效度认证:已在英国心理学会注册,并根据欧洲心理学家协会联合会制定的技术标准进行了审核
Enquire now
29 Aug, 2024
09:30 - 12:30
United Kingdom

Hosted by one of our expert trainers, this foundation course will teach you everything you need to know to confidently understand the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue), a psychometric assessment used to understand a person’s emotional functioning, ability to manage relationships, emotional control and response to pressure.

During the course, you will:

  • Learn about the trait-based model behind personality and Emotional Intelligence.
  • Understand what the TEIQue measures and the impact it can have on your recruitment and development processes.
  • Learn how best to appropriately and responsibly use the TEIQue.

Understanding that TEIQue can encourage behaviour modification and self-awareness in your organisation will provide you with a powerful tool for facilitating positive change.

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