Talent Mapping for Strategic Growth | Thomas.co

If you want to ensure your business's success, taking proactive steps in recruitment is more effective than being reactive. Sustainable growth requires strategic planning, and one area where foresight is needed is in how you acquire your most valuable asset—people.

Talent mapping, or talent management, is a useful tool for planning for organisational changes ahead. Talent mapping is about anticipating what kind of talent you’ll need in the future, according to your business goals, and preparing for it in the present. The success of any business ultimately relies on the amount of talent present in an organisation, and acquiring this talent is becoming increasingly competitive.

Talent mapping puts your company in a good position to grow, innovate, and remain a strong contender in your market for years to come. Let’s look at how to plan for, attract, select, develop, retain, motivate, and transition talent in your organisation.

The fundamentals of talent mapping: What you need to know

Key steps in the process include identifying critical roles, assessing current capabilities, and anticipating future talent needs. Talent mapping begins with:

  1. Understanding where you are as an organisation: Thoroughly assess your current talent pool. Use psychometric assessments for deep insight into strengths, weaknesses, and your team’s potential for development.
  2. Deciding where you need to go: What are your future business goals, and how do you plan to get there?
  3. Bridge the talent gap to reach your goals: When forecasting the talent you’ll need to achieve your goals, consider market trends and technological advancements.

Implementing talent mapping in your talent strategy

At its core, talent mapping is your plan of action to improve employee performance to reach your business goals. To be effective, this plan needs to fit into the wider context of your business strategy. Plant the seeds of your growth by identifying current skills and training needs, providing the training needed, attracting talented employees, and retaining the staff you’ve already invested in.

Use the right tools to get a clear picture of your talent landscape. Assessment tools like aptitude, personality, behavioural, and emotional intelligence assessments – vital in recruitment – can also be extremely valuable during this step. You’ll be able to use these insights to determine what skills exist in your workforce, what skills are lacking and need to be developed or learnt, and how teams can be restructured for maximum cohesion and efficiency. You’ll get an idea of how prepared you are for future challenges and opportunities, and who has leadership potential for future succession. Need help strategizing and implementing your talent map? Contact our experts at Thomas.

Overcoming challenges in talent mapping

While talent mapping can do wonders for the future growth of your business, there are several hurdles you might stumble over.

The Challenge: Gathering data can be time-consuming. You’ll need to collate employees’ skills and experience and decide on future potential.  Later, keeping track of their skills development can be complicated.

The Solution: Consider integrating a digital tool that collates all of this information for you in a single, easy-to-access location. Involve employees in the journey by encouraging regular employee-managed updates. Use performance reviews to fill in any gaps.

The Challenge: Aligning talent strategy with business goals can be challenging, especially if there is a lack of communication between recruitment teams and other departments of the business.

The Solution: Hold regular strategy sessions to ensure that goals, priorities, and talent capabilities are communicated to all involved. If your business is not in sync, it’ll take longer to achieve your goals.

The Challenge: Executives, managers, and employees may resist the process, especially if it is seen as time-consuming and not part of their job description.

The Solution: Foster a culture of continuous learning and development. Celebrate achievements. Educate employees on the benefits and potential rewards that will come from developing their skills. Emphasise the personal benefits of enhancing self-awareness through psychometric assessments.

The Challenge: Not leveraging data analytics to make informed decisions because of limited resources, lack of knowledge, or data quality issues.

The Solution: Invest in the right tools to capture data and provide training to the employees tasked with analysing and utilising the data.

Next, let’s look at the steps you’ll take in your talent mapping journey.

Starting your talent mapping journey: Practical steps

There are several steps to achieving success on your talent mapping journey.

Define your organisation’s goals, objectives, and priorities

  • What do you want your organisation to achieve, and in what timeframe?
  • Consider long-term and short-term goals, upcoming product or service launches, and entering new markets.

Identify challenges

  • Conduct a SWOT or PEST analysis to analyse what might block you from achieving your goals.
  • How can you overcome these challenges?

Identify your needs and define your HR strategy

  • Conduct a talent audit to see your current standing.
  • Consider what gaps need to be filled to overcome the challenges you identified.
  • Consider changes to working patterns, teams, and processes.
  • Develop current talent and consider alternative, more suitable roles if necessary.
  • Recruit new talent if internal talent development is not an option or a gap needs to be filled.

During this analysis, you may find that you need to overhaul or develop your talent recruitment process. For new roles, think about:

  • What kind of candidate are you looking for?
  • How does this role fit into your business objectives over the next 1-2 years?
  • What skills are an essential requirement for this role?
  • How do we attract top talent to our organisation?

Review and adjust your strategy regularly to ensure it remains aligned with the business's changing needs and goals. Remember, partnering with an experienced provider like Thomas will give you access to the right tools and invaluable support and guidance.

Navigating the future with confidence through talent mapping

Talent mapping involves anticipating future talent needs in line with future business goals. The talent mapping process involves understanding the current talent pool, identifying future needs, and bridging any skill gaps. Implementing talent mapping requires integrating it into the broader business strategy, utilising assessment tools for insights, and overcoming challenges such as data management, alignment with business goals, resistance, and effectively leveraging data analytics. Practical steps for embarking on a talent mapping journey include defining organisational goals, identifying challenges, conducting talent audits, developing talent, and regularly reviewing and adjusting strategies.

Talent mapping offers a clear pathway to a more agile and prepared workforce. If you’re ready to see the transformative power of talent mapping in navigating the future of business, contact us here. We’ll give you the tools, strategies, and insight you need to grow your business with confidence and strategic foresight.