Assessment Platform |

Assessment Platform

Thomas components

Assessment platform

Recruit and develop your best talent using people science

Insights that help managers across businesses of all sizes make the best possible decisions when it comes to talent acquisition and development.

Thomas Assess

A world class assessment platform.
Better insights, improving decisions.

Improve hiring accuracy

Aptitude assessments are the strongest predictor of job success. Combine this with our industry-leading Personality and Behaviour assessments in Thomas Assess and you’ll find the person perfect for the job role, your workplace culture and your team.

Improve hiring accuracy through Thomas Assess

Elevate onboarding 

Get the insights you need from Thomas Assess to understand how your new employees like to work so they fit right in. Use these to create a personalised onboarding plan that will see them thrive in their new role quickly.  

Elevate onboarding with personalised plans through Thomas Asses

Build stronger leadership 

Identify capability gaps by understanding the Emotional Intelligence and Personality of your employees and seeing where they could develop.  

Build stronger leadership and management with Thomas Assess

Boost internal talent mobility

Spot high-potential employees through our Leadership Potential, Emotional Intelligence and Personality insights to see how you can develop employees to ensure progression across your teams.

Boost internal talent mobility with Thomas Assess

Unlock employee success

Inform succession plans and identify who can grow, develop and take more senior positions within the organisation.

Unlock employee success with Thomas Assess

An assessment platform you can trust...

Assessments at Thomas


Gain accurate insights using our assessments in behaviour, aptitude, personality and emotional intelligence.

Innovation at Thomas


We're pioneers in the people science space, constantly developing our product using AI and industry experts.

Science at Thomas


Our industry-leading science is backed by the British Psychological Society (BPS).

Thomas' Heritage


Our insights have been trusted globally for over 40 years.

Let us show you what our assessment platform can do for your business