Everything Office Case Study | Thomas.co

Everything Office Case Study

Case studies

Everything Office used Thomas assessments to reduce attrition and support company growth

Everything Office hero

Everything Office Case Study

United Kingdom
Behaviour (PPA)
Aptitude (GIA)
Emotional Intelligence (TEIQue)
less attrition

The Challenge

Everything Office was struggling with a high churn rate amongst their telesales staff and due to its rural location, were finding it difficult to recruit high quality candidates. The managing director decided that they needed to improve their recruitment process, but didn't know how.

Everything Office challenge

The Solution

"We asked everyone who got through our CV screening process to complete a PPA. This helped us be selective about who we interviewed and gave us an idea of what to expect when they walked through the door".

Everything Office used Thomas JOB to create profiles outlining the key behavioural characteristics of their sales positions, which gave them a clear benchmark against which to compare candidates.

Everything Office results

The Result

"After introducing Thomas JOB and PPA into our recruitment process, we immediately saw a better calibre of candidate at interview and our churn rate reduced by 50%".

The company has now enjoyed a period of growth and stability and due to using Thomas assessments and investing in their staff, they have attained an Investors In People (IIP) accreditation. They now use TEIQue in conjunction with PPA as part of their review and development process and have internally seen a reduction in employee frustrations.

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