Using our AI |

Using our AI

Thomas components

Your workplace navigator

Meet your personal workplace navigator, ready to give you the advice you need, when you need it to everyone in your business.

recruitment platform
Your own psychologist

How Thom AI can help you

Thom AI is fast, accurate and safe, and it’s ready to answer dynamic questions about yourself, your colleagues, and your teams. By using the information provided by our people science and team of psychologists, you’ll be able to run efficient meetings, successful projects and build better connections at work by understanding each other, properly.

The questions to ask

The questions to ask

You can ask for tips on running a successful project with a colleague, ways to motivate your new team, navigating tricky conversations with team members... and that’s just the start. Ask anything and Thom AI will use our expert people science to find the answer, and if it doesn’t know, it won’t pretend to. Like everything we do, it’s backed by our world-class science.

It's easy to use

It’s easy to use

Ask your question, via our Chatbots and Thom AI will give you the answer, based on the Thomas profile and insights from our Psychologists. It’s accurate, it’s safe and it’s easy to use. It’s that simple.