Our Ethical AI | Thomas.co

Our Ethical AI

Thomas components


The AI you can trust

We’re really proud of our AI, and we think it’s going to change how people work – but we want you to feel that you can trust it. 

Let us tell you what makes us ethical and the standards we’re holding ourselves to.

Employee Wellbeing
Your own psychologist

It has to be accountable

Our Data Scientists are held accountable for Thom AI, and it’s a role we take seriously. We haven’t built it, set it free and suggested sticking the kettle on. We’re constantly monitoring it, making sure it’s working properly and seeing what we can do to improve it.

It has to be inclusive

It has to be inclusive

This means it cannot be discriminative and must consider all human experiences. Thom AI only looks through content written by our psychologists based on 40 years of research and experience. It can’t discriminative, because our Thomas content isn’t discriminative.

Everyone at Thomas is working towards the same goal: to make work a better place to be using people science. Nothing about our language, content or solutions are discriminative. You can trust us on that.

It has to be reliable and safe

It has to be reliable and safe

For us, safety means Thom AI is not able to give an answer that we don’t want it to. We’ve designed the AI to support you build engaging, purposeful and meaningful interactions at work. Our Data Scientists have trained it to give answers based on its knowledge of your profile and the profiles of your colleagues and team.

It has to be explainable

It has to be explainable

We needs to be able to justify how our AI came to its conclusions. This one was easy for us. Thom AI is only looking through the content we’ve written, and we’ve spent over forty years researching, studying and perfecting our science.

It is our scientific understanding of people and how they interact that fuels Thom AI and any content it’s giving you.

It has to be fair

It has to be fair

Fairness is a core principle when it comes to ethics and to make Thom AI fair, we had to make sure that it wouldn’t show any bias or discriminate against a group or individual based on race, gender, sexuality, age, religion or ability.

Our team rigorously test our assessments to make sure everything we produce is fair, which in turn ensures that the content you’ll receive is fair.

It has to be transparent

It has to be transparent

This means that we have to show you how it all works and how Thom AI was built. We’re delighted to do that, as we’re very proud of it. You can listen to our Director of Data Science, Dr Luke Treglown chatting about it at The Data and AI Summit or chat to us in our Thomas Community.