Free Psychometric Tests |

What is a free psychometric test?

Psychometric tests can be used to evaluate many parts of an individual's personality and skills in the workplace. They will look at a person's workplace personality, skills, knowledge, cognitive ability in specific areas or general intelligence. This can be done in comparison to other individuals and highlight a candidate's strengths and weaknesses.

Thomas International provides psychometric tests that can be completed online which allows for quick and easy integration into the recruitment process. We offer a free demo for a range of assessments to businesses so you can see just how easily the data is processed and provided for quick analysis, improving the speed and outcome of recruiting new employees.

Why are psychometric tests used in recruitment?

There are many reasons why psychometric testing is used within recruitment. The first one being it allows you to make more informed decisions when it comes to recruiting new employees. The tests dive into a candidate's working style, values and drivers as well as predict future job performance.

The assessments taken are data driven and unbiased, allowing for a fair and direct comparison between candidates. This allows you to reduce risk when bringing in a new employee and can reduce recruitment costs by narrowing down a large number of candidates quickly and efficiently.

Types of free psychometric tests

There are many types of psychometric tests. These include aptitude assessments that look at intelligence and cognitive ability. By contrast, personality tests evaluate how a person approaches their work, personality traits and soft skills (e.g. communication style).

Other tests include; numerical reasoning, spatial visualisation, verbal reasoning, logical reasoning, diagrammatic reasoning, error checking, situational judgement, behavioural and emotional intelligence.

Thomas International offers businesses a free assessment to measure behaviourpersonality and emotional intelligence to show you the power of the tools, how easily they are used and the data they provide, all in aid of improving your recruitment process.

How can Thomas help with free psychometric tests?

Thomas International’s psychometric tests provide powerful insight into how a candidate might perform and their suitability to a role. They provide you with everything you need to make an informed decision on which candidate to hire and how to help these individuals thrive within your organisation and the workplace, helping them improve their strengths and combat their weaknesses.

Maximise your businesses performance in recruitment and employee retention with one of Thomas International’s psychometric tests, experience a free demo of the test to see how the test is conducted, the data is received and how to understand the results.