Free Emotional Intelligence Tests |

What is a free emotional intelligence test?

An emotional intelligence psychometric test evaluates how a person manages their own emotions in a positive way to communicate, relieve stress, overcome challenges, defuse conflict and empathise with others.

Emotional intelligence is something that can be worked on and developed over time. It has four main components that can be worked on: Social Awareness (recognising the emotions of others), Social Skills (the ability to manage other people's emotions), Self Awareness (recognising your own emotions) and Self Management (the ability to manage your emotions).

Thomas International offers a free emotional intelligence test to businesses to show you how you can analyse the main traits to help develop an individual's emotional intelligence in specific situations.

How to test for emotional intelligence

There are three main ways to test for emotional intelligence: the first is self reporting, the second is others reporting and the third is through ability tests. These will evaluate your emotional intelligence by giving you situations and looking into your responses.

Thomas provides a free demo on emotional intelligence tests showing how they are evaluated to generate the next steps in development for the individual who has taken the test.

There are demos on all three forms of emotional intelligence tests. Self reporting will look at traits including warmth, empathy, anxiety and so on. These are tested in this way through a series of questions that the user will rate on a scale on how much they agree or disagree with a statement.

Ability testing will look at an individual's ability to identify emotions, how they use emotions, understand emotions and manage emotions.

The other common practice is asking others for feedback on your emotional intelligence. The individuals you have asked will complete a questionnaire rating how much they agree and disagree with the statements they are given regarding your emotional intelligence.

How does an emotional intelligence test work?

Due to there being three different types of emotional intelligence tests, each one has its own method of completion. Thomas offers a free demo that will show how each test is completed.

Self reporting works by reading through the questions and giving an honest answer based on the options given. For example ‘I lose my temper when frustrated’ followed by the response ‘not true’ ‘somewhat true’ ‘very true’. This test is then evaluated by yourself to gain insight into your own Emotional Intelligence.

Other reporting is similar in style, the people you have asked to provide feedback will answer statements honestly based on the options provided to them.

The MEIS test or ability test gives questions based on potential scenarios with three potential answers that carry different weight. The answers are then evaluated and provide a total score for the person's emotional intelligence.

Why use emotional intelligence tests in the workplace?

Emotional Intelligence tests will help you gain an understanding of how your employees manage their emotions and highlight employees that are better equipped to deal with stressful situations or require a stronger leadership style to guide them.

Leadership can see the positive impact of emotional intelligence tests in the workplace. Tests can determine who within the organisation has the skills and nuances that come with EI to be an effective leader.

Trialing one of Thomas’s free emotional intelligence tests can show how powerful a tool it can be. Having more emotionally intelligent leaders can help productivity, create a better working environment and better retain staff.

How can emotional intelligence tests help recruitment?

Helping to identify candidates that have good emotional intelligence will help provide greater insight into the candidate and how they match the needs of the role. With the knowledge of which candidates can better manage their emotions, you will be able to find someone who better fits into the company and are better suited to leadership roles.

Through the use of one of Thomas International’s free demos you will gain a greater understanding on how to test for emotional intelligence during an interview. Leading to an improved hiring process and finding a better fit for the company.

Using the Thomas Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue), candidates can be asked to complete this online assessment before a face-to-face interview. Answers and assessments remain private and are privy only to the recruiter at this stage.

How can Thomas help with free emotional intelligence tests?

Thomas’ TEIQue looks at how we perceive our own emotional intelligence abilities. It assesses how good we believe we are at identifying, understanding, and managing our own and other people's emotions.

The results of the questionnaire are indicators for a large range of behaviours within the workplace that can influence job performance, satisfaction, stress, leadership potential, commitment, teamwork and more.

Thomas offers a free demo on TEIQue to show you just how effective the tool can be and how easy it is to use.